Tagged: University of Pittsburgh MBA Program

Career Management Services at the University of Pittsburgh MBA Program


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University of Pittsburgh
Image: hire.katz.pitt.edu

For the better part of a decade, Charles C. Fawcett IV has served as president of TriState Capital Bank in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Before launching his career in finance, Charles C. Fawcett IV received a bachelor of arts and master of business administration from the University of Pittsburgh.

The Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh offers a number of MBA programs, including traditional two-year programs, the executive MBA program, and joint degrees. In addition to a cutting-edge business curriculum, Katz provides career management services for students seeking employment after graduation.

Career management at the Katz MBA program typically begins with career advising sessions, which help students understand their strengths and professional goals. Students then receive instruction in job-seeker skills such as communication and business sophistication. If a student’s skills and objectives match the needs of an associated employer, Katz can connect students with employment opportunities.

Activities at the Katz Career Management Center include resume writing and creation of personal statements. Students can also participate in on-campus career fairs, where they meet prospective employers and discover open job postings.